underneath the stars
unravel the mysteries.

welcome to my little world.

Sunday, April 5, 2009
random pieces of life
1:26 AM

random, no sequence.
fragments of life.

phantom rose became a smiley sunflower;D
bel-canto rocks!~the one and only version of "all i ask of you".

an extra-large tissue paper packet=S
say me being "suo-gu" or "kampung girl" or whatever, but ive never seen it before.

squash day=)sweat it all out man~
i'ma gonna be prepared for muscle injury and pain again though=X
anyway, nice scenic view from NIE.
ive never realised such a paradise-look in campus.and now i know.

can u see the rainbow?
it's as if i can touch it.so near yet so far~

cat again!
i wonder why are there cats wandering around hall area.LOL
*they are doing nothing but us busy and stressfully study all the time=X*
