underneath the stars
unravel the mysteries.

welcome to my little world.

Thursday, August 28, 2008
new life, new ppl, new challenges
9:38 PM

yeah it has been around like 2-3weeks since i last updated my poor bloggie~im super busy nowadays!as u have known(or may not, haha),i have been starting my new university life here at NTU in spore..life has been tough and challenging for me..as im a late entry student, i find it extremely hard to catch up all the stuffs:(like academic stuffs, getting to know and trying to mix or sort of fit in with ppl here, all kinds of complicated admisssion procedures etc..it has been one week, almost two weeks for me here..while all other freshmen had already been here for like one month.hahai cannot say that i have aleady completely adjusted to the life here.but now it is definitely better than the first day, or rather the first week in NTUi still vividly remembered how i cried so pitifully on the second day i was here, which is the first day i went to the lessons.i was like TOTALLY dont understand even the slightest idea of the topics in my lessons!!and somemore i was so so alone there in the class:(
where everyone else has their own friends and i can hardly find any chances to talk and ask questions from them.
as i already missed out alot things and was very blur about everything!
like lectures notes and tutorials, they usually post them online and i didnt know at all!
and also there are lotsa devices and machines of new technology the students utilise and i found myself a real "kampung girl" sometimes because the thing that they see as normal and convenient, i dunno how to use it.
haha&i tried to get to know some friends but most of them already had their gang..and hard to find someone to ask homeworks or someone to clear my doubts.
but luckily now i have known quite a few friends in my class:)
just that not really really very click but at least i have someone to ask for little bit of guidance and someone to talk to..
really do hope that i can find good friends here
who can study hard as well as play hard together with me!haha
i know these kinds of things do need time.
so just pray the best for me=)
apart from that, my most worried concern is regarding my studies!!
till now, im still very very lacking behind!
u might say that it has only been two weeks lessons that i missed and u might thought that the first few weeks are normally very relaxing.
i have absolute prove that u r wrong!very wrong!!
actually we late-comers already misses all those important lectures which was like the basic or foundation
once u missed it, it can be very hard to catch up the coming ones:(
and this is what happened to me!
all those previous lectures and tutorials, i havent even started to deal with them, and here it comes more and more new lectures, tutorials and assignments!
it's super stressful~
&i really need to work very very hard!
and cope well with my stress level:-S
every other students are all very smart and it is competitive*my intuition*haha
and another concern is that i have yet to gain any points for my ECA(extra curricular activities)!!
in order to stay in hostel the next year and so on, i need to earn many points!
if not will be kicked out!gosh..
recently i just joined as a small memeber in the chinese society.and failed in the audition to enter choirTT
hope can become sub/main committee member in any of the clubs, cos the points are only counted for the highest but not to add up!
&¬ forget to mention my AU, which is sort of the academic points that i should clear of in the four years of my studies..
the required one for me is 19 but i only had 16 TT
which means next semester i need to get one extra subject!sighz
good thing is that since im still trying to get used to evrything here, with less subjects perhaps i can cope better, bad thing is that as the coming semesters will be getting harder, taking extra subj then might kill me~:(

*hope evrything is going to be fine...*

anyway, some pics from here..
my room(oya my roommate is jiashin)

glimpse of my School of Biological Science

mind u, NTU is super big for a sotong like me..HAHA
i lost my ways dunno how many times already.

Friday, August 15, 2008
NTU~my life ahead...
5:54 PM

yeap it's really finally..
im entering uni
and u know what?i gotta arrive at NTU latest by next monday!!
everything is like soo rushed and i havent even gotten my mind prepared yet..
both physically and mentally and emotionally..
but i'll try to!
to do my best, to be independant, to be well-prepared.
it's like few days ago i was still relaxing and mind-holidaying, and then out of a sudden i got the offer from NTU and gotta be a uni student real SOON.
it's like im the last to apply but the first to enter uni
like what shanlei said, yesterday was just chatting on msn with me and then next monday im going uni~
and the farewell gathering with yy, now has become the last outing of me with my union gang girls~~
despite the instinct excitement, happiness and relief that i have finally been accepted by a good uni(cos i was rejected by NUS few days ago tooTT), i still cant help but to feel the nervousity, afraid and a future with lotsa uncertainties and challenges which await me..
im quite scared deep down..
will i be able to survive and adjust to a new environment?
make good friends with new people?
catch up with studies which i have been left behind(cos they already started lessons couple of weeks ago)?
lead an independent and self-discipline life onwards?
lots&lots of thoughts flooded my mind..
but i have to be strong i know, to be able to survive and learn..
i must have faith and belief in myself!!~~
*pray for the best*

anyway, i have been "super duper quadruple" busy these few days.
as u might know that there are mountains of things and preparations to be done.
what more that im sort of a late-comer into the uni!
where everybody else has already settled down..or going to..
and i missed the orientation!!
which is only held once in a person's "uni lifetime"..
i guess that'll be the thing which i'll regret when i come to reminiscience of my uni life the next time..haha
i might not be able to blog for some time..
just hope that everything goes smooth for me:)
*pray hard pray hard~*

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
thank goodness!!!=)
12:38 PM

got my a-level results yesterday..
and thank goodness!i got 4 A's!!!:p
my hardwork and effort in the exam has finally paid off~*relieved~*
congrats to all my friends who got very well results too!haha
while for those who didnt get ur satisfied results, nevermind, jiayou,jiayou and jiayou!!!=)buck up&cheer up and never lose hope!
when there's a will, there'll be surely be ways:)
continue ur hardwork if u have succeeded, work harder again if u have not.
that's what life's about.
i have always believed that when u have gotten something, there must be something else that u'll lose.
once u get over with the emotions, moving on.dun ever lose faith.
anyway yesterday i was quite busy applying for spore uni..
really really hope that i can enter.
it's time to start a new chapter in my life,
and i want to make it better and as wonderful as i can!hehe
jiayou and good luck fenwei!!!

btw, had lunch at Lavender's cafe with mum yesterday before i went to take my results around 230pm.
i had my meal with my heart thumping very strong as im waiting for the release of my results!haha
so i didnt had a heavy meal.
and when i received call from dear qiqi that she and jiashin had gotten their results and that they both got straight A's, my heart almost jumped out of my heart!!haha.
i was soo happy for them but at the same time being soo nervous&scared for mine.:-S

Royal cake(orange flavour),garlic bread, americano & honey tea=)

and here are the photos from the farewell outing with yy:

huishan, yy, yy's sis, me

susu, yy, yy's sis, me

we at baskin robbins cafe!!*yumyum*

at roibo=)

funny susu, me and huishan.teeheez:p

photos developed~=))
*union gathering rockss!!!* toobad tian coulnt make it:(

love u guys!!
muacksss XOXO

Monday, August 11, 2008
saturday, sunday, monday
11:10 AM

quite tired whole day cos aint got nice sleep on friday.haha
was watching the Beijing Olympic opening ceremony and the Teen Choice Award till quite late.ahaha
one word to describe the opening ceremony-AWESOME!!!
i have never seen such grand and fabulous opening ceremony!
the fireworks, the performances, the atmosphere, the crowd, the procession of 204countries, etc etc..
the most eye-catching one must be the lighting of the torch!
where one of the outstanding athletes ran high up in the air surrounding the bird nest stadium to light up the olympic torch~
i also rmb one of the fireworks that resembles footprint walking towards the stadium~
&¬ forgot to mention their super "keseragaman" and uniformity in all performances
anyway, later on had lunch at the Manhattan Fish Market=)
food are super delicious:))) HAHA
went there with my family and relatives cos they came from spore(saturday was their national day, haha)
fried mushroom
i love their sauces!!!=)


mocha(observe the layers, they are moving and floating~~, haha)

sis's fish and chips(Dory fish)

my cuppuccino=)*loves*

my baked dory fish with garden herbs=)

mum's king salmon set

been helping sis to revise her science too, as a tutor
hope she can get very good results=)
then at least i got the satisfaction.MUAHAHA

went out with yanyi, yanyi's sis, susu, qiqi and huishan at cs.
is sort of a farewell gathering with yy before she goes indonesia under jpa scholarship.
im soosoo gonna miss her~
will update the photos asap=)
and btw, we developed the photos we took in camera using the photo-developing machine at Kodak.hehe
so cheap compared to neo-prints last time.haha
*love the pics*

can u believe it?
im still sitting in front of the computer when my A-level results is going to be released 3 hours later, which is 230pm!
gosh so nervous and scared right now~
*chill chill*
pray for the best~
&i hope evryone can get very good results!
oya yy got straight A's!!!
congrats congrates!!~~


Friday, August 8, 2008
birthday celebration with dear qiqi+beijing olympic+couple or trouble
3:49 PM

yesterday was qiqi's 18th birthday!!
and we(me, tian, theresa, william, weiheng)celebrated with her:]
at first me and tian decided to take bus there, as we all would be gathered in front of MCD at kerry's around 12noon.
however, the weather didnt suit us:(
perling area here was raining very heavily just when we wanted to depart.haha
in the end tian drove, first sent her mum to do some banking, later we headed town.
we dropped by at Niniq's bakery and bistro to buy a birthday cake for qiqi:)
&we two chose the strawberry+cheese+chocolate cake~
which is very very yummy-looking!!!hahaha
with fresh strawberries on top and the other two layers of cheese and choco at the bottom;)
too bad jiashin aka miss strawberry couldnt come as she had classes;(
or else im sure she will be OVERWHELMED by the strawberries~lol
this is it..

after we bought the cake, tian's mum dropped us by kerrys.
we then proceeded on to Nando's for lunch=)
*this is the FIRST time i went there!haha*
basically they sell chickens.haha.with a variety of sauces specially produced by nando's=)
from left:tomato sauce, garlic sauce, hot chilli sauce&extra hot chilli sauce..

i had the same dishes as qiqi and we shared the "bottomless soft drinks"
which means they keep on adding it during ur course.hehehe
the grilled chicken+rice+salad

after this fulfilling meal, haha, we had the birthday-song-cut-cake process there.hehe
and the waiters and waitresses there were very helpful and warming to provide us with the cutlery and took the photo for us.haha

the birthday girl=)

later on, qiqi drove the six of us to leisure mall for bowling.haha

this is the SECOND time i have been there.haha
but my bowling skills is as bad as last time;((
except that maybe i had improved a little bit, haha, yeah just a tiny bit.
we played three games all together.
my score was like going on roller coaster, haha, which is 62 -> 86 -> 42 (if im not wrong)
haha.quite embarrasing and funny as i got the lowest score in the third round
the birthday girl aka qiqi is the strongest one!!
gosh she is the only one whose scores are over-hundred!!
wow~~made me *orz*.hahahaha
anyway, had an enjoyable time yesterday=)

about today, im quite excited out of my expectation as the Beijing Olympic 2008 starts today!!!
though i have nothing to do with the Olympic Games, as i suck in sports(haha, except that last time secodary school i played volleyball and involved in larian, but not outsatnding at all, teehee), i can still feel the excitement and joyous anticipation from all over the world.
for instance, these days i have been reading some articles on newspaper on the Olympic Games and gained some knowledge regarding some of its history and emblem.haha.everyone seems so looking forward to this big event.

see the evidence.haha.
the new logo of sogou.com

the new logo of google.com


the five cute Fuwa which are the Olympic mascots(i like them more than any other mascots from the previous Olympic games, simply because they are so cute and each of them actually resembles something very important in the cultures and arts of China)
they are called "beibei", "jingjing", "huanhuan", "yingying", "nini", which pronounced together as "beijing huan ying ni", which means beijing welcomes u.hehe

the emblem(dancing Beijing)
also their theme slogan : One World One Dream

the sports venues which have very artistic design:
the water cube-a blue beijing wonder.for the aquatics..

the bird's nest=)*really looks like one,haha*

their medals(with jade pieces inscribed with dragon pattern on it, whoa!)

and i hope i wont miss the same-time telecast of the events on tv!
but today when i was browsing through the newspaper on the tv schedule, found that there will be the opening ceremony live on channel5 but it clashes with my favourite korean drama on channel U!!!
i guess i will be switching the channels here and there later at night.haha.try to watch both shows as much as possible.HEHE
anyway, strong recommendation for this korean show!!!
a very funny and relaxing show after dinner.HAHA
*a must-watch=)*

or =)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
more updates=)
4:34 PM

been quite busy these days..

...last sunday...
went to susu's house to do sushi AGAIN!!!
yay yay!!haha
but this time i was the "sushi master", who need to pass on the technique of making sushi from shuying to my "apprentices"--susu,her sis,qiqi.HEHEHE
the whole process was funny and enjoying=)
we talked alot craps&jokes and laughed all the way along..
but but, the product were still yummy and delectable as last time when i did it with the guidance from shuying..haha
just that we didnt have the brown and pink-color ingredient this time.
and the rice was less "moist"..haha need to put in more water next time:]
hope that my teachings wasnt too bad.HAHA
and mind you, cutting the roll of sushi into pieces required great skills and patience!!&dont forget u need a real sharp knife.haha.or else ur sushi will be cut out-of-shape..TEEHEE
&im proud to say that my cutting and rolling sushi skills had improved:D:D
*anyway i can say that susu is really a good cook and housewife-to-be man!!next time if i wanted to learn cooking and stuffs, really need to ask her to be my master!hahahaha*
*&&"somebody"--XXXXX is going to be fortunate if he has susu as his wife.HAHAHA*

*she's gonna kill me~~~~*

oopps..HAHA(just joking la k)

so here was the result!!*taadaa~~*
my share of the sushi^.^

and not forgetting to mention this also, we did chocolate marshmallow too!!!
*yum yum*
CHOCOLATE IS MY FAVOURITE!*i ate until susu told me that i can have her whole plate of half-melted chocolate home if i dun mind*
*gulpz, haha*
&thanks to qiqi cos she taught us how to do it and also prepare the ingredients for us=]
next time i must do it once myself..hehe
and im planning to do pancake or waffles at home~*just planning, havent even started cos need to buy the ingredients.haha*
-alot of things wana to try out but seeems like running out of time-
and my results will be OUT next monday~~~

melted baking+cooking chocolate

oven-ing the marshmallow=)
*too bad can only get this kind of "raw" marshmallow in spore, cos didnt see any here*

choco+marshmallow= heavenly-made~~ AHAHA

mixing and rolling the ready-baked marshmallow in the "pool of choco"

in the end there left alot choco, so we even tried out "choco-coated banana"
next time can try more flavours by adding other fruits..hehe

at night, went to the famaous PC fair at persada
with susu and her family
i can describe the place as being "ppl mountain ppl sea"!
haha.cos there were really alot ppl and we almost caught suffocated there!
but luckily some area were not as crowded, so we could breathe in some fresh air.haha
i bought only one memory card for my sis
in the end i didnt get what i want..haha.the kind of memory card for my phone was already sold out the first day.
*yeah sunday was the last day u see*
and actually i did see the type of memory card i need, hanging out there, but just when i was considering at the side of the booth, another guy(who bought alot of other stuffs there too)asked the sales person to take it away!!!
obviously he wanted to buy it!!!
and the memory card just "flew away" like this right in front of my eyes=.='''
near the end of the day they actually "lelong lelong" for their products man!
i mean they shouted here and there using loud speakers.@@.haha
&saw debbie and jess at the booth selling MEETOO camera tools..

a tired whole day out~

went to pasar malam with dear susu and miss sheautian=)
actually this is the first time i went to pasar malam at layang.
though i live quite near there.haha
*susu was like *eyes-wide-open & jaw-dropping* when i said that.HAHA
kinda fun and got to experience the nighttime explore at pasar malam.hehe
not to forget to taste some nice food and snacks.e.g. the keropok=)
and the stuffs selling there are super cheap!!
food la, acccesories la, clothes la, alot of stuffs.
and they even sell body and hair shampoo and face cleansing lotion etc~haha
anyway i bought myself and my sis one pair of short pants each=)
*but both of them fade lotsa color when i wash them, now still in the pails, haha*

this, gotta be the main reason why i have been "missing" from on9-ing and blog-ing these few days..haha
been helping my mum to SEW a new LAUNDRY BAG=D
YEAH this is a real real BIG&MEGA project~~
took me 2-3days and nights*exclude nights la, haha*to finish..
i SEW them with both of my HANDS and not machine okay.
haha.*proud sia~*

materials aka "input"

sketches and outlines in my notebook.HAHA
*i feel like a contestant in .hehe*

the outcome aka "output"=)

the inner side.haha



Friday, August 1, 2008
3:47 PM

yesterday went out with qiqi & tian..
to sutera mall, AGAIN, haha..
but this time i discovered more of this shopping mall=)
qiqi was our "driver-of-the-day".lol
before this, we had our lunch at hwa mui restaurant..
yeah, i guess it's the third time i went there..hehe
food still as nice as it is, haha, but i got to try other food:)
*all pics here are from qiqi's phone camera^^*

the SPICY kampung fried rice

the crispy hainanese chicken chop(i love the potato wedges;]!!)

the mall was quite packed with shoppers!!
the moment we entered the parking area, almost all the parking spaces were occupied!
haha*till we had to "earn" our parking lot quite difficultly, hehe*
more ppl were there out of my expectation.lol
i thought there werent be alot ppl at that time which is around noon time since it was also a weekday.
nevertheless, we still enjoy our staying there=)
got to shop around the "trendy zone"
in which all the shops are selling nice and "trendy" fashion clothes&accesories.haha
no wonder i heard tian said liyen was disappointed about his trip to sutera mall cos ere selling lotsa girls'stuffs..teeheez

and my "urge" to shopping came around~
but didnt buy any though i saw alot things that i wished to buy:(

just when we got almost lost in the trendy zone(cos the layout is quite complicated @.@), we found this shop called "indulge" selling lotsa chocolate stuffs=)
*yum yum~*

next time i wanna try out their chocolate fondue which i have never tried before!

then we bought some snacks to fill our stomach and satisfy our tastebuds=)
me and tian shared this packet of kaya ball(left only two, haha)

and qiqi bought herself chocolate waffle
which is the same i tried last time.haha.*i recommended it to her=)*
~yeayea we both like waffles a whole lot!!!haha~

after this we went in to carrefour.
cos tian was asked by her mum to buy vitagen and brown sugars and some lemons.
this is the first time i went grocery-shopping with friends=)
it was very fun!
cos usually when i go with parents, my mum'll tell me some tips about how to choose the best*e.g.vege and fruits*
then yesterday we got clueless about how to choose the lemons!haha.cos they look almost the same!
anyway, tian(if u r reading this), my mum told me that u should buy lemons which are green in colour to drink, cos normally those yellow ones are used for cooking and other stuffs.hehe.
*obviously my mum is always the faithful listener to 97.2Fm, which some of their programmes stress alot on health and beauty stuffs=) haha*
and we played and fooled around with this "four-wheel-drive" basket at carrefour.

bet is their new invention!HAHA
i bought dutch lady mango yoghurt and the sushi roll(which is super costly~)!
*yay im ready for the sushi making day this weekend, hope everyone can make it, as we had almost all the ingredients ready=)*

later on, we had our yumcha time at this "Island Red Cafe"
*i kept calling it "red island cafe", ahaha*

it's the first time i been there=)
quite nice with the food and drinks.
and we invited susu to our yumcha gathering too~
this is tian's "smooth and silky" special "red island" hor fun..

me and susu's oreo cheese cake*it's super duper delicious!!!*

~the end~=)
