Tuesday, April 29, 2008
5:58 PM
fenwei is so STRESSED UP!!!!
aargghh~~yaya i feel so stressed up these few days..
gotten back my mock exams results, frankly speaking im disappointed with it..
i knew it was because of my lack of FULL preparations..
and i kinda find that my memory is getting worsen..
last time when i studied, i can remember about 70-80% of what i have read after around a week time, but now, it drops DRAMATICALLY to about 30-40%..
this is serious
how am i going to prepare for my final A2 in around 3 more weeks??
that means i have about only 1 week for each of my 3 subjects..
last time spm we can handle 11-12 subjects, but now 3 subjects already drive us crazy..
and almost everyday, mountains of homework tie me down until nearly midnight..
i guess maybe because of lack of rest, my memory is getting poorer..
*i almost forgot one of my best friends' birthday on 24th april!!*
luckily last minute i remembered!haha..familiarity knocked me when i wrote down the date on my exercises..lol
but it's good that teachers give us lotsa past year papers to do..
as drilling..
*im must somehow fall in love with all these papers~lolx*
besides, my sat test is coming REAL soon!!
which is this saturday goodness!!
in fact i just started on with a few pages yesterday..
&i have to EAT the whole thing by tomorrow..
coz need to return to qiqi for her to read..
and i have to borrow another sat book from suria and CONSUME it( at least some haha ) by friday night
coz going to spore that time and will stay over one night at my aunt's house..
*haha hopefully can see BUDDY & BUDDIES there!!*
BUDDY=my aunt's pet dog
BUDDIES=high school frens
mother's day coming soon!hope can get something nice and good for dearest mummy~~=)
kk,gotta pia-ing edi!!
kampate fenwei!!!
**hope lady luck will bless me on this sat!!im totally nervous!**
p/s: sunway's teacher's day 2008 is coming too!!saw the nice obvious board at cafeteria..haha..to all student ambassador: kampate neh!!!i believe u all will do an excellent and fantastic job=)keep it up!!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
hanley's birthday party
11:23 PM
yesterday was hanley's birthday party!!=)
we all really had a great time!lolx
before going to the party, i was "bugged+assigned" by my fellow classmates to buy the prezie..haha..
after some headache over choosing the prezie, finally came up with the idea of buying him a shirt+necktie(after me&qq did some choosing, haha)
hmm hope that he'll like this prezie from all of us!!!
these are some pics taken using my phone as well as qiqi's sony cybershot..
omg!his "mansion" really does look like a holiday resort isnt it?haha
this is the swimming pool(which is deeper than my height-.-haha)

delicious food~~(got lamb, mashed potato*too bad it is finished when i tried to eat for the second round,haha*, roti jala, mushroom&tomyam soups, muffins, toasts, meesiam, curry, etc)

birthday boy's birthday cake..we had some champagne too after the sing-song!

this plant.....
as those of you who know, muahaha, yeah it did some dangerous thing to me!!
my forehead was pricked by the sharp sharp end of its stem!!gosh~~
*they should cut away its sharp dangerous hardy stem!!!*

A-levels rocks!!:p

me and qiqi=)


1..2..3..say cheeezz!!

yeah yeah~~really super duper full yesterday!
i think my stomach was full of more drinks than food..haha..
after the eating part, we had some good little chat in ah teo's house lounge..
then only sayonara to each other..lol
*i wonder if i ever have the chance to hold a birthday party for myself..maybe for my 21st birthday??haha~~*
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
just some random stuffs..
11:47 PM
Your Life Path Number is 7

Your purpose in life is to find truth and meaning
You are very spiritual, and you are interested in the mysteries of life.
You are quite analytical and a great thinker. You have many theories and insights.
A life of solitude is perfect for you. You need time to think and do things your way.
In love, you are quite charming. You attract many with your confidence and wit.
While you enjoy being alone, sometimes you take it to an extreme.
You can become too isolated, shutting out loved ones and friends.
Express yourself a little bit more, and you'll be surprised where it takes you!
What Fen Wei Means

You are loving, compassionate, and ruled by your feelings.
You are able to be a foundation for other people... but you still know how to have fun.
Sometimes your emotions weigh you down, but you generally feel free from them.
You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.
You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.
At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.
You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.
You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.
You are very charming... dangerously so. You have the potential to break a lot of hearts.
You know how what you want, how to get it, and that you will get it.
You have the power to rule the world. Let's hope you're a benevolent dictator!
You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.
haha..find that these quizzes quite true also..
some really describe myself very well..
anyway, im still under a very great influence by L!!OMG~~
L Lawliet(エル・ローライト, Eru Rōraito) aka Ken'ichi Matsuyama (松山 研一/松山 ケンイチ) HE ROCKS MY WORLD!!lolx
and i just cant imagine it when my sis told me that he's one of the male actors in
!! (also my favourite japanese show, which made me to "consume" all of the tissue boxes in my house due to non-stop crying, haha)
he looks so different compared to his image in death note!!
but anyway, this makes him my idol even more!!muahaha=)
i think this is his pic in one litre of tears..

i love the way he holds book..

the way he eats lollipops&lotsa yummilicious stuffs..
the way he typing using computer..
the way he jumps and sits with a crouching posture..

the way he tries to walk properly but in the end still back to his "normal" way..

i have totally become a super fanatic fan of his!!!
not just because he's cute and charming, but he acts real well!=P

and just now after dinner, my sis out of a sudden created this joke which made me laughed out tears..lol
(she was studying her science regarding nutrition that chapter..and she was memorising the functions of vitamins..)
yee : vit A for...vit B for...vit C blar blar blar...vit K for..
jie, why dont have vit L de??
wei : duno ler..dont have means dont have this type of vit loh..
yee : ahh, i know what!! i know the function of vit L!!
wei : ??? (my mum was also listening as she sat with us at the table)
yee : for deficiency disease of backbone lo!!( tuo2bei4 in chinese )
wonder why??
because L always tuo2bei4 in the show..so vit L=treatment for tuo2bei4...-.-'''
i know this is super lame..but we all just laughed till stomachache..LOL
in fact, i really enjoy the time that after dinner, we all family sit in one table, chatting and interacting with each others..
sometimes over jokes, sometimes over questions in studies, sometimes over troubles and worries, sometimes over news and ba1gua4..
i think i gonna miss this when i study in university, which means most probably i'll not be at home..
so i'll treasure the times when im still at home, showered by loves and cares from my dearest family and friends=)
i wonder how will i be next time when im alone out of home sweet home~~
i think i must brace myself no matter what happen in the future..
hardship makes people stronger=)
this is what i always believe..
Monday, April 14, 2008
movie day!!
11:18 PM
yup, today was a great day!!=)
went for movie at tebrau city with my mum&sis..
we watched
, which is the movie that i wanted to watch soo much..haha..and i can say that this is one of the best movies that i have ever watched!

after this movie, L has become my idol and hero!!!
haha..in fact when i watched death note1&2, i think i prefer kira at first, but when he becomes more and more "devil-like&shinigami-like", haha, i think his ambition to create the so-called new world is too overwhelming and it seems like he has lost himself!! he's such a genius(i think the author must be a super genius to plot this story with all those detective techniques and plots!!)too pitiful kira died in the end..his intelligence to justify the world should be well-used in the other way..
for L, today's movie shows what happened in his last 23days..
basically is another story about deadly virus..hmm i remember last time i watched two movies-"im legend" & "28days later", their story were about dangerous and super infectious viruses too!!
i somehow think that these movies are trying to tell us human beings a strong message that we should not destroy our own world ourselves..
greed, power, money, rank, position..all those things are destroying us..
it's so saddening to see that people are willing to do anything, even though it harms the innocent, like the use of viruses as weapon..
can u imagine what will happen if this is really happening around us??
people dying of deadly virus without antidote, loved ones died before us..
people show their ugliest sides during difficulties..they do anything just to benefit themselves..they don't care what happened to others as long as they survive..
it's so scary just to think of that..
i cried during this movie..again..
when the litle girl saw his father died in front of her eyes..(just cant control my tears>.<)
and i actually covered my eyes when they killed people(e.g. when one of the gang members, a decent-looking female, used her sharp blade to pierce through and kill, omg i just cant stand any bloody scenes..)
luckily in the end, my hero L has to the rescue!!*muahaha*
but he died too in the end..TT
i'll always remember his saying to "near"
no matter how gifted you are, you alone cannot change the world
ahh, all in all this movie really has a great impact on me
it makes me think a lot about this world..
though im just one human being out of many billion population
i believe each and everyone of us can play our part & together make a difference
*haha seems like im becoming like a heroine by saying all these..lolx*
anyway this movie really makes me think of to study biomedicine science instead of biotech..haha
back to the outing today, haha, im actually quite happy that i can drive "safely" today..(not as if i always drive badly though, haha)
first went to fetch sis from school, then together we three(me, mum, sis)these big route-blurqueens luckily managed to find the route from school to tebrau city
it's always very funny with mum sitting in car by my side..
the way she comments&advices on my driving always make me laugh
haha..but i'll always be careful on road=)
just that i really need to improve on my driving skill..especially parking..haha
over all, today was really a great day for me!!
*at night(just now)was the last episode for my favourite korean drama on channel U-qingwa wangzi baijinnu..hmm the ending was a very good one..happy ending..yay!!haha
kla, that's all for now..
gonna catch up some sleep these days..ta!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
7:34 PM
im addicted to american idol season7!!
this is their "idol gives back" nite

contestants that i like=)

one of my favourite movies=)a must watch!!
gotta catch it this holidays=)

i like L with this superb posture!!haha*see the way he holds thing*

this korean drama is driving me crazy!!

totally handsome&charismatic=mr karl!!~~

exam's over!!
12:50 AM
im BACK finally!!
yup, been very busy for the last few weeks..
due to exams, applications to various uni, practices and stuffs..
but anyway, finally it's the time to slow down my pace..
though it's about one month and a quarter towards my final A2 exam!!*stress*
so i gotta work real hard!!
coz i think this time mock exam..
did alot silly mistakesTT
hope it wont be like this during the real BIG exam..
hmm recently im addicted to a korean drama
it's called "qing wa wang zi bai jin nu" in chinese
is a very funny yet romantic and touching story i shall say..
mr karl is so damn man!!!!
next week will be the last holidays for me before the exams
hmm so must make full use of the time available..haha
and im looking forward to hanley's birthday party on next saturday!!
hope it'll be fun=)
and planned to study for my SAT test also with my buddies..
aha talk about the SAT, suddenly makes me think about my future again..
actually received offer from monash kl already
they said im qualified to be offered for this july intake
but im thinking to postpone it to next year february
coz im not ready yet
need to make serious decisions..
is that the course i really want?will i get a good job and secure future?the fees?accomodation?and there are alot to be considered!!
i want to make a wise decision!!!
i think that's all for today!
hopefully i have time to update soon=)